Psychologically Healthy Workplaces
Creating a psychologically healthy workplace is essential for fostering employee well-being, engagement, and productivity. This program delves into the core principles of psychology and inclusive leadership to address common structural and interpersonal challenges in the workplace.
In order for organisations and teams to move from compliance to commitment to foster a supportive and safe organisational culture, this program explores the needs of diverse teams, strategies for building trust and techniques for promoting a positive, healthy organisational culture. Participants will leave with a toolkit of resources and strategies to implement within their organisation, ensuring long-term psychological healthy workplaces where employees feel valued, supported, and empowered to speak up, contribute their ideas and perform at their best.
Differentiate between ‘psychological safety’, ‘psychosocial safety’ and ‘harm minimisation’
Understand the role of structural and interpersonal factors in workplace culture, through an intersectional lens
Identify barriers and opportunities to develop and sustain
psychologically healthy workplaces
Learn how inclusive leadership builds trust and promotes a positive and safe organisational culture
Develop an action plan using the toolkit of resources and strategies provided, to embed and role model learnings within your teams.
Duration: 3 hours
Maximum participants: 20
Format: in-person or virtual
Dr Varina Michaels
Person-centred and trauma-informed investigations
Providing a person-centred and trauma-informed response to disclosures of harmful and unlawful conduct is recognised as leading practice for Australian workplaces. It also aligns with the Australian Human Rights Commission’s Guidelines for employers to meet their positive duty obligations to eliminate unlawful conduct, as far as possible, and with Safe Work Australia’s model code of practice for sexual and gender-based harassment.
A person-centred and trauma-informed approach takes the lived experience, circumstances, harm and trauma of impacted individuals into account and puts their unique needs, safety and wellbeing at the centre of response processes, including investigations.
Our three-stage program will embed a person-centred and trauma-informed approach into your grievance response and investigations processes, and equip responsible people with the knowledge and skills to conduct trauma-informed investigations
Understand trauma and how it impacts individuals differently.
Understand the importance of cultural sensitivity and how to provide tailored and appropriate support to impacted people to improve recovery.
Develop trauma-informed interviewing and investigations skills and techniques to protect individuals, the workforce and the business from further harm or consequences.
Learn how to strike the right balance between providing individuals with choice and agency, while complying with confidentiality, natural justice and other legal obligations.
Support managers to foster psychologically safe, inclusive and respectful team cultures after an investigation has concluded.
Duration: 4 hours
Maximum participants: 20
Format: in-person or virtual
Upstander Program
This program will focus on building confidence and capability amongst workers cohort to demonstrate safe upstander behaviour, and contribute to a broader culture of accountability and support in regards to preventing unlawful conduct.
Our program will strike a balance between knowledge transfer and skills development through practice. Drawing on input from key stakeholders in your organisation, we will embed contextualized and realistic scenarios and activities into the program to achieve this. We will also provide a quick guide to sustain knowledge and skills beyond the training session.
Differentiating between bystanders and upstanders
Understanding and overcoming the barriers to safe upstander behaviour
Understanding the importance and responsibility of partners to role model safe and early intervention when harmful conduct occurs
Learning a range of safe and respectful upstander strategies
Building the skills and confidence to become effective upstanders
Learning practical ways to foster a safe speak up culture within teams
Duration: 1 hour
Maximum participants: 20
Format: in-person or virtual
Leading Across Cultures
Culture influences our everyday lives and ways of working in pervasive, but often invisible ways. This program sheds light through developing knowledge and practical skills for leaders to bring the best out of people, for more engaged, innovative and productive teams. It also fosters intellectual humility, curiosity and self- awareness – essential skills for any high performing leader.
.This program will build leaders’ understanding and capability in managing diverse teams and stakeholders. Understanding how culture is formed and influences work, leaders will be better equipped to actively shape their teams to be more inclusive and dismantle barriers that hold diverse people back from contributing their full skills and abilities to their organisations.
Understand how culture is formed and influences individuals, organisations and society
Identify the common challenges of culturally diverse teams, and how to overcome them
Develop leaders’ intellectual humility, curiosity and self-awareness to identify the impact of culture on our everyday life and ways ofworking
Builds practical skills to connect with and motivate diverse employees, to improve your team’s culture and drive performance.
Duration: 3 hours
Maximum participants: 20
Format: in-person or virtual
Dr Varina Michaels
Find out more.
To discuss how training could work for you or your organisation, please get in touch.