Proactive Workplace Transformation Starts Today
Businesses must take proactive steps to eliminate sexual harassment under a new ‘positive duty’ requirement in the Sex Discrimination Act.
Eliminate sexual harassment & foster a culture of respect
In the wake of new ‘positive duty’ requirements in the Sex Discrimination Act, the mandate is clear: businesses must take proactive steps to eliminate sexual harassment. It's not just about responding to incidents but preventing them. From December 12, 2023 the Australian Human Rights Commission will enforce compliance rigorously. Employers can now be liable for failing to prevent sexual harassment. without the need for a complaint to be lodged with the Australian Human Rights Commission.
A policy, one-off staff training and responding to reports of sexual harassment will not satisfy the new positive duty obligations. Is your organisation ready?
Did you know?
41% of women have experienced sexual harassment at work.
Industries with higher male dominance are at increased risk.
37% of workers think that their organisation should be doing more to prevent sexual harassment.
Diverse and inclusive environments are less prone to such incidents.
The cost
With historically low unemployment rates, the fight for talent has never been greater. Respectful workplace culture is a key factor that attracts and retains top talent, and it contributes to an organisation’s reputation as an attractive place to work.
In 2018/2019, sexual harassment drained $3.5 billion from the Australian economy (Deloitte Access Economics).
A policy, one-off staff training and responding to reports of sexual harassment will not satisfy the new positive duty obligations.
Your ally in compliance and culture
As national leaders on Respect@Work and the new positive duty, we bring you an end-to-end suite of services that will ultimately improve business performance. These services include:
Board and executive leadership briefings: our briefings combine legal, policy and behaviour change expertise focussing not only on legal requirements of s47C of the Sex Discrimination Act but drivers, risk factors and impacts. A strictly legal approach to education of leadership has proven ineffective.
Gap analysis: Comprehensive audit and review of your current state versus the ideal of workplace respect, safety and inclusion. A tailored implementation plan with concrete steps for policy improvement, governance enhancement, and educational programs.
Monitoring & evaluation: Tools to track progress and adapt strategies for ongoing improvement.
Expert-led education: Engaging Respect@Work workshops facilitated by subject matter experts to embed a culture of respect.
Why partner with us?
We support organisations to drive sustainable change by understanding your unique challenges and applying our deep expertise with a tailored approach.
Our team led the development of the Australian Human Rights Commission's positive duty framework, the guidance material and established the monitoring and enforcement team. We bring technical expertise with unique perspectives that represent lived intersectional diversity and we bring that approach to our consultancy. Our diverse team of specialists will work with you to identify and implement evidence-based strategies that will ensure that you meet your legislative obligations and enhance your workplace culture. From governance and policy through to a response framework and ongoing monitoring and measurement, we will give you the confidence to ensure your organisation is positive response is ready.
Pioneers of change: We've shaped the positive duty from its conception to the Australian Human Rights Commission’s compliance framework and guidance material.
Culture reform specialists: Our portfolio includes high-profile organisational transformations across various sectors.
Multidisciplinary excellence: We have an accomplished team of experts across legal, policy, psychology and research.
Intersectionality experts: We understand the nuances of diverse workplaces and offer specialised advice to meet the needs of all employees.
Our approach
We understand that no two businesses are the same and there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to prevention. We listen deeply and walk alongside our clients to develop a nuanced, end-to-end framework to foster safe, respectful and inclusive cultures that is evidence-based and tailored for their workforce.
Our approach to prevention and response is based on the Australian Human Rights Commission’s framework, that we helped create, for meeting positive duty obligations through 7 standards and 4 guiding principles.
01. Leadership.
Leadership capability building
Briefings to executives and boards on leadership responsibilities
02. Culture.
Facilitating one on one interviews and focus groups with workers
Review of diversity, equity and inclusion strategies
Undertake gender pay gap audits
Advising on strategies to increase psychological safety and foster a culture where inappropriate behaviours are called out
03. Knowledge.
Developing respectful workplace behaviour policies
Delivering tailored education to all levels of the workforce
Advising on how to take an intersectional approach to eliminating harmful workplace behaviours
04. Risk Assessment.
Undertaking gap analysis of existing systems, processes and policies
Strategic guidance on taking a risk-based approach to prevention and response
Assisting to assess psychosocial risks and advising on implementation of effective control measures
05. Support.
Advising on appropriate support to workers before, during and after an incident of harmful behaviour that is person-centred and trauma-informed
06. Reporting & response.
Auditing reporting and response mechanisms and alignment with leading practice
Conducting independent workplace investigations into sexual harassment and sex discrimination
07. Monitoring, evaluation & transparency.
Designing monitoring and evaluation frameworks to foster continuous learning and improvement
Get in touch
Reach out and start the conversation, we are here to guide and support you every step of the way sarah@elevateconsultingpartners.com.au