The Gender Equality Reporting deadline with WGEA is fast approaching

The 31 May deadline for private sector Gender Equality reports, required under the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012, is fast approaching. Private sector employers must submit their online reports to WGEA to be compliant with the law, and to contribute to WGEA’s world leading gender equality data set. If your organisation is not ready to report, you can request an extension prior to 31 May 2024.

You can find out more about eligibility to report here (hint: The Act defines a relevant employer as either: Standalone organisations with 100 or more employees, or A corporate structure with 100 or more employees in total across all entities.).

Employers will be required to complete an online questionnaire and compile workplace statistics using WGEA’s templates. The questionnaire will ask a number of compulsory and voluntary questions about the actions your organisation takes towards gender equality, and for the first time, related to your compliance with the positive duty. 

 Organisations will be required to report whether or not they:

Details must also be provided on how your organisation supports people affected by sexual harassment; options for reporting incidents related to sexual harassment and similar misconduct; data collection and reporting related to preventing and responding to sexual harassment.  

How we can help? 

 Elevate Consulting can support your organisation to: 

  • Develop a comprehensive, best practice set of Gender Equality Strategies and policies including in relation to Equal Remuneration and Sexual Harassment. 

  • Deliver sexual harassment prevention training

  • Conduct your gender remuneration gap analysis 

  • Conduct employee consultations to inform the development of the above.

Reach out to the team if you want to speak to one of our Gender Equity or Sexual Harassment (the positive duty) experts.


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